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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 14, Issue 4, pp. 433-564

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Forcing Structures and Cliques in Uniquely Vertex Colorable Graphs

Amir Daneshgar

pp. 433-445

Blocking Semiovals of Type (1,m+1,n+1)

Lynn M. Batten and Jeremy M. Dover

pp. 446-457

An Optimal Online Algorithm for Bounded Space Variable-Sized Bin Packing

Steven S. Seiden

pp. 458-470

Classification of Homomorphisms to Oriented Cycles and of k-Partite Satisfiability

Tomás Feder

pp. 471-480

Equireplicate Balanced Binary Codes for Oligo Arrays

Noga Alon, Charles J. Colbourn, Alan C. H. Ling, and Martin Tompa

pp. 481-497

The Obnoxious Center Problem on a Tree

Rainer E. Burkard, Helidon Dollani, Yixun Lin, and Günter Rote

pp. 498-509

Structural Diagnosis of Wiring Networks: Finding Connected Components of Unknown Subgraphs

Weiping Shi and Douglas B. West

pp. 510-523

Reserving Resilient Capacity in a Network

G. Brightwell, G. Oriolo, and F. B. Shepherd

pp. 524-539

When is Individual Testing Optimal for Nonadaptive Group Testing?

S. H. Huang and F. K. Hwang

pp. 540-548

Asymptotic Minimum Covering Radius of Block Codes

Po-Ning Chen and Yunghsiang S. Han

pp. 549-564